Thursday, October 10, 2019

I Thought it was a Christian Blog

I thought it was a Christian blog until I saw the cussing.

You can't cuss and glorify God at the same time.

Cussing is sinning and still a lot of people to this day believe that it isn't but there's plenty of scripture to back that up. I'll leave a list of verses here: Colossians 3:8
Ephesians 4:29
Ephesians 5:4
Matthew 5:37
Matthew 15:10-11
James 3:6-8
James 3:10
2 Timothy 2:16
Psalm 34:13-14
Proverbs 4:24
Exodus 20:7

I immediately stopped at the first cuss word. And whether there be several or just one cuss word in a blog does not change the fact that there is sin in that blog and it also does not change the fact that the author is the one that put sin there in the first place. It could've easily been removed.

 You probably made someone else think that cussing is okay when it clearly isn't.

God warns us what happens to those who cuss in verse Matthew 12:36-37: "But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

Let me remind you that hell is a real place. It's not fake, it's not made up. It has been around since the beginning of time and it'll exist until the end of time. I warn you because I love you. God warns you because He loves you. You only warn people of something if you care. You wouldn't warn anyone of anything if you didn't.

If you look at the Bible there are so many warnings from the very first chapters all the way to the end of the good book. Here's another list of verses I warn you to check out:
Matthew 24:36
Matthew 24:42
Matthew 24:44
Matthew 24:50
Matthew 25:41
Matthew 25:46
Luke 12:35-37
Luke 12:40

Hell is actually mentioned in the Bible more than heaven is and I believe the reason is because it's another way of God telling us that it's a warning in itself. God knows that people are easily scared if they are first warned and it's a way of God showing us that He warns us (cares about us) more than anything. We should take note of that.

God knows and cares. God sent His first and only son down to this earth to tell us to be aware and warn us about the hypocrisy of people and how they pretend to be Christians to mislead us. But Jesus also mentions that someday it will all be revealed and that nothing, even when it's covered up and hidden, will not be revealed. That it will all be known. All. He says whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light and that even your whispers will be shouted. He says man can only do the physical body so much harm but it's your soul that you must look after for it will be what goes to either hell or heaven. Fear God, not people of the world. For people can't cast you into hell.

It would've been a beautiful, glorifying read to God if it didn't use something that God warns us about not to use. It could've glorified God instead of hurting Him.

That's the problem with cussing. It's so easy to use in today's society and slide it into any post, paragraph or sentence. People read it and carry on and even apply it to their everyday life while they could easily replace it with God's word instead. But people don't choose to do that. They choose to keep doing what they like and what they "feel" is right or what is good for them but what about what's good for God? You wouldn't even be here if wasn't for Him. He had the power to put you here and has the power to take you out. Doesn't that make you afraid? Just a little? You know it's the truth if you have any amount of fear in you. Something that isn't real can't really give you fear. It has no power in itself to do that. Think about that. If God can scare you that makes Him real. If hell can scare you that makes hell real. It wouldn't be in us if it all wasn't true.

The blog talks about God but uses unwholesome talk to do so. It makes it questionable. God isn't anything but wholesome. He is all things good and in my opinion if you can't talk in wholesome talk it's better to not talk at all. Once someone cusses it throws the whole thing off if they're talking about Christianity or if they claim to be Christian. You just have to watch out for the signs if you're talking to someone who says they're Christian because sadly they can sometimes be a wolf in sheep clothing and the Bible warns us (again) about that. Not saying this particular blogger is a wolf in sheep clothing because who am I to judge? I don't know this person personally. I'm just here to warn you just as God is.